Multiple Shelves Filled with laboratory Equipment
Multiple Shelves Filled with laboratory Equipment - see photos for items included. Eppendorf Centrifuge 5415 D, Vortex Genie 2 Digital, Hoefer Transphor Power LID, Fisher Biotech FB105, Boekel Rocker II Model 260350, Beckman Coulter Z1 S, Vortex-2 Genie, Mistral Mixer Lab-Line, Buchi R-11-HB, Lab-Line Science Teaching Incubator, Buchi Bath B-491, Pharmacia 19-98003-01, Fischer Scientific Isotemp, Fisherbrand, Pharmacia Fine Chemicals Single Path Monitor UV-1 Control Unit, Nuova II Stir Plate, Orbit Shaker, Leica MPS28, Maxi-Mix 1 Type 16700 Mixer, Welchy Allyn 52000 Series, Fischer Scientific 550 Sonic Dismembrator, Carl Zeiss 1100, Tomy MTX-152 High Speed Micro Centrifuge, Edstrom Pressure Reducing Station, RAD-Monitor Radiation Containment Survey Meter, Scientific K50G, Mini Instruments, UVM-57 Chromato VUE Lamp, Sorvall RT600B Refrigerated Centrifuge, Beckman Coulter Z2 Particle Count and Size Analyzer, Hybrid Incubator, Barnstead Lab-line MaxQ 4000, Amersham Bioscience UPC 900, SIM Aminco French Pressure Cell Press, Fisher Scientific Isotemp 205, Roche Light Cycler 480, Gyrotory Water Bath Shaker G76, Unico Power Spin HX Centrifuge, Polarstar Optima, Damon IEC Centrifuge, Bell Co Hot Shaker, StatSpin Express 2 Tube Centrifuge, Sartorius BP121S, SP Vortex Mixer, Mettler Toledo AB54, Stovall The Belly Dancer, Sartorius 1103, Fisher Scientific Isotemp Immersion Circulator Model 7Q, Mistral Mixer lab Line, Amersham Pharmacia Biotech Frac-900, Mettler PE 360, Beckman Coulter Microfuge 18 Centrifuge, Foto Phoresis I Fotodyne