Sold As-Is
San Antonio
6 Days 4 Hours
Ends on Dec. 27 2024, 3:00 PM (CST)
$41.48 [3 Bids]
Managed by: University Health


(2) Boxes of Philips IntelliVue Module/Monitor model M3002A

Inspection Days
*** Seller does not offer inspection for this listing.
Collection & Shipping

Buyers are responsible for coordinating the collection of their purchases.

Removal Deadline: Fri. Jan. 3rd
13 Available Removal Appointments
*This Location doest not have a loading dock.
Shipping: Not Included
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Lot Number: UH11739
ID: jnsvnoiy
Asset Numbers (internal use): 880191, 880195, 887723, 802509, 803711, 803727, 803743, 802393, 803729, 803741, 805958, 806198, 806366, 806369, 806370, 806372, 806374, 806378, 806383, 806386, 806390, 806399, 806400, 806402, 806403, 806406, 806409, 806410, 806411, 806419, 819621, 819557, 830541, 855015, 880162, 880163, 880167, 880178, 880181, 880145, 880149, 880150, 880152, 880154, 880158